Eco friendly ideas for back to school this summer

It’s back to school in matter of weeks! The start of the new school year can be an expensive time. It’s also easy to fall into habits that aren’t great for the environment. We’ve compiled a list of handy tips that, with a little bit of planning, will keep your eco-creds high. They should save you a few pennies too.

Check what you already have

It may sound obvious, but before heading out to the shops, take a look through wardrobes, cupboards and bags. You’ll be amazed at what you might find that you already own and had forgotten about. Uniform that still fits, shoes that have never been worn and unopened stationary are just some of the useful treasures you may find.

Second hand uniform

Lots of schools have ways of buying second hand uniform, either through the school or other routes such as Facebook groups. It’s a brilliant way to ensure uniform doesn’t end up getting thrown away, and keeps costs down too. Children grow so quickly, uniform is often only worn for a short amount of time before it’s grown out of, so you can easily find pieces that are in great condition.

Eco friendly lunchboxes

If your child takes packed lunches, it’s a worthwhile investment to buy an eco-friendly lunchbox. So many of the plastic options aren’t particularly hardy, and once broken they cannot be recycled. A sustainable option is one made from rice husks, such as Huski Home’s range. It’s a durable, environmentally-friendly, non-toxic choice.

Try to pack plant-based snacks and sandwiches as often as you can, as an extra way of reducing your family’s carbon footprint.

Back to School – Ditch the car where possible

It’s not always easy to get back to school on foot, but where possible try to as often as you can. It may mean a bit of planning ahead, giving yourself extra time or packing your bags the night before so you can get up and go more easily. It’s a worthwhile investment to cut out unnecessary car journeys if you can.

Support school’s green activities

Most schools run green activities from time to time, such as recycling activities, collecting old clothes for reuse, and cycling to school week.  Keep an eye on your school’s newsletter or website for upcoming dates and how you can support these initiatives. It’s a great way to get your children involved in understanding sustainability too. If you are buying a second hand bike we have a handy buyers guide you might like to read.

Eco friendly stationary

Not all stationary is created equally. If your child needs pens, pencils, crayons and no doubt more, look for options that use recycled products, or will biodegrade when finished with. Peace with the Wild have a lovely range.

Remember you can also use to buy pre-loved items such as school shoes, rucksacks and coats. It’s an easy way to shop in an eco-friendly way.

However you go back to school we wish your kids a happy school year.

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