A great British pass time is visiting the local pub. Our local has been the life blood of our village. They have delivered food to vulnerable, self-isolating and shielding people day in and day out – and they make a mean sausage roll! Now that we can again, visit our locals I know that the beer gardens round here are full and bustling – social distancing is easier when the weather is good and the beer garden is large. I’ve been talking to our landlord about if I can get my hands on any old barrels or kegs. Why? Well I’ve been searching online and seen some cool ideas to turn them into beautiful and useful items.
Here are 10 uses of the humble beer barrel. Be it wooded or be it steel! I take no credit but here’s what we have found.

The bar stool. Yes lots of trendy bars make use of these but why not have them round the kitchen counter?

The outdoor fire to keep us warm as the sun sets but the beer is still flowing.

The occasional beer table in place of a shop bought item.

If you are handy then this is a wonderful addition to any guest cloakroom. Looks stunning and has a little door to get to the workings and store stuff.

Use some veneer and heat it to wrap round to kegs to make a side board that is unique, practical and intersting.
Then there is the drinks trolley – this is just stunning and totally on point for those nights when it is late and we need to try just one more cocktail!

For the more advanced of you then why not ditch the bought patio furniture and have a go at these. I would if I could. Maybe one day!

Re-imagine the fire pit. As the sun sets for sun downers light up and kick back to watch the night sky and keep warm.
And if you have a large garden often visited by the little ones this is ideal!
Well some ideas, have go or just imagine that you did. All good fun but probably never beats visiting the local! You can hunt for beer barrels at rumage.com.