It’s their planet after all

Your kids think about the planet all the time Recycling or upcycling helps to teach children to reuse items and to practically get to grip with the benefits of this behaviour. Recycling saves the planet in so many ways, it saves the environment and at the same time it offers people jobs, which means that it also helps with … Read more

Busy? Now more than ever!

The term ‘parent’ comes with all the busyness you can handle. Now more than ever, when the kids have been off school, life has not got any less hectic. Whether you are a stay at home parent or a working one, these strange times have tested us all. Lots of us have both parents at … Read more

Grit and determination

As we all start to prepare to come out of the lockdown of the last 100+ days there are those that are going to really struggle with reintegration. While this has been a tough time for everyone, there are a group of children and young adults amongst us who have had to really face their … Read more

Plastic Free July … Are you up for the 2022 challenge?

Plastic Free July® is a Global movement started by the founder of the Plastic Free Foundation, Rebecca Prince-Ruiz. Plastic free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. This is all so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part … Read more

Plastic Free… Are you up for the challenge?

Plastic Free July is a Global movement started by the founder of the Plastic Free Foundation, Rebecca Prince-Ruiz. Now in its tenth year, its aim is to help people be part of the solution to plastic pollution and millions take part; an estimated 250 million people from 177 countries took part in the challenge last … Read more

The circular economy – it’s what we are all about

Looking at the dictionary definition, the circular economy  is an alternative to a traditional linear economy – one where we make, use and dispose of items. It means we keep resources in use for as long as possible, getting the maximum value from items whilst they are in use. Then we recover and regenerate the products and materials … Read more

A new reality

The global coronavirus pandemic has created a new reality, one where grief and loss has featured for many – including me. Weddings, concerts, meetings, travels plans, school events, and more have been cancelled in because of this virus. Something we cannot control and feel at a loss as to how to express our feelings. We … Read more

It’s all about the veg!

Now I have my veggie deliveries set up – how best to store them? I’ve been looking about and found this blog – 10 Tips For Keeping Produce Fresh Until Your Next Trip to the Grocery Store… Keep it fresh! And I’ve been hunting about for some great Veggie Bags that are an alternative to … Read more

Cautious COVID Shopping Rumage can help

We are opening up as a country. Some school years are back (with more year groups to follow as schools get to grips with larger numbers), support bubbles are being built, more and more shops are throwing their doors open to us. Then there is the 4th of July news. From 4th July the bubbles … Read more

Delivered fresh to your door

Have habits changed for good? What have we been doing differently that we will take forward post COVID-19? Well for me it is the veg (and meat) shopping. I’ve tried a few national ones and they are all good. But these guys are the ones I shall rotate till I find a true winner! Riverford … Read more